Forum for the danish maritime industry

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In Maritime Danmark media channels, you target hose who make the decisive decisions within the danish maritime industry.

“The Blue Denmark” is the country's largest export industry, with a share of 20 percent. In line with the international maritime industry, ships - shipping - is the central factor. 

The shipping companies operate the ships, own ships but also ships owned by others. Measured in terms of tonnage operated, Denmark is one of the world's 10 largest shipping nations. 

In addition to shipping, “The Blue Denmark” includes a large number of supporting and sub-sectors. Eg. the Maritime industry, which in addition to actual industrial companies - which produce everything from ship engines to railings - also includes shipyards. 

Maritime service companies include, among other things, logistics, design, insurance, maritime law, etc. The ports, privately or municipally owned, with their accompanying companies are an even larger sector. The offshore industry previously focused on oil and gas, but is now increasingly about sustainable energy such as offshore wind

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Total target group universe

Consists of an online portal and a daily newsletter sent out at 12:00. In addition, regular themed newsletters are sent where relevant agendas and issues are unfolded and discussed.

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